Site 16        Re-Created:   27-July  2018           Updated:   27-Jul-18



Welcome to
FahZoom Town






C S 18-06-22



FahZoom-Town-Is-A Multi-Service-Community  

It's the home and headquarters of
seven independent, intimately-interconnected, fully-functional,
joy-enhancing, social-service organizations.  

FahZoom town is the name of our physical complex. 
It's a sharing and mutual support community.  
We are building it using the kaizen technique~
of taking it one one small step at a time.
It's a role model for a
Service to All Community.~    




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Notice how all the pieces fit excellently
into a Service to All~ Partnership / Community.  

      Including Conscious-Christianity

2-FahZoom-Home- Residence / office /Community gardens 
3---Nice-Play-Park   Resort-Style Entertainment and Communication center



The-Seven-Aspects-Pieces-Partners     .



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Our Consciousness Expansion Training Program  
has evolved from traditional, very-basic
Coaching and Consulting Services
into the first book ever published in
Fifth Dimension style and format.

The book is Titled:
Adventures  In  5d Consciousness 
      How to Play The Earth-Life Game  
      in Fifth Dimension Consciousness.


This has expanded into
The Seven Lost Secrets of Llove

       "When you study, learn, and live by
       The Seven Lost Secrets of Llove,
       all your concerns and challenges
       will be resolved 
       with the grace and ease
       with which
       water flows down hill."


This has expanded into
Monthly, Full-Moon Celebrations of Life and Llove.
Full-Moon Celebrations of Llove  **
     First Lost Secrets of Llove~
             ** Creating a day to Honor and to Celebrate of Life and Llove~
             ** Monthly, Full-Moon Celebrations of life and Llove~
             ** Ways to Celebrate Llove~
      Third Lost Secrets of Llove~
      Fourth Lost Secret of Llove~
             ** About Full-Moon Celebrations of Life and Llove
             ** Creating Llove-Day Parties~
             The Invitations~
      Fifth Lost Secrets of Llove
      Sixth Lost Secret of Llove


The Seven Lost Secrets of Llove
are presented in a manner that
gently and Llovingly  
introduces people to
Fifth Dimension Consciousness. 
It's designed to present our fellow humans
with the evidence-based truth about
who and what humans actually  are.   

The Seven Secrets of Llove
open the doors to the seventh aspect of FahZoom Town
in which  Earth humans
are invited to join the Galactic-Community.

With the knowledge and advice
of the other Galactic Civilizations,
Earth humans will then  transform Earth into one of
the twelve Living Libraries of Cosmic Knowledge.

That's a ways down the road,
so lets get practical and
 see what our next step is.

1--Consciousness-Expansion-Training     .



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Wait a minute.
We have one more aspect of consciousness
to share with you

The Most Profound Changes
in  Consciousness  and in  Christianity
since Martin Luther sparked The Reformation in 1517.

Learn how the previously ignored Teachings of Jesus
match both the Physics of Consciousness
  and Universal Spirituality.
All three are the same principles expressed in different words.

We invite Christians to open their Christianity
and allow the teaching of Jesus to show them
the previously ignored
wonders in the Christian Bible.
Conscious Christianity   

Conscious-Christianity     .



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Our next two steps are: 
*   To manifest a physical facility in which to function.
*   To Bring in additional team members.

This will evolve into 
FahZoom Town Homes, Farms, and Organic Foods  
This portion of our project is an expansion of part one.
It provides several additional aspects.
We see this as a large home,
or a ranch, or a farm, or an estate
*   Space for computers and and Internet communication facility
*   Living space for at least eight team members
*   Space to grow organic fruits, vegetables
     and other food products for
     the FahZoom Town creation team.

We have an entire web page devoted to this concept.
Find us at:   

2-FahZoom-Home-Our-Physical-Home-Base    .



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Nice Play Park is the play and have fun
portion of FahZoom Town.  
It's an Education, Entertainment and Vacation facility.  

Imagine spending a week or so on Vacation
at an Entertainment Park Community
All designed with bringing
Fifth Dimension Consciousness into everyone's mind.

At the center of Nice-Play-Park
are our Monthly, Education/Entertainment parties.
(See section one above for links.)
Each month on the Full-Moon cycle,
we gather together to learn,  practice, and share
The Seven Lost Secrets of Llove.
We teach/learn, celebrate, practice
and entertain ourselves and each other
in a Fifth Dimension-style party
Our focus is on Consciousness-Expanding-Entertainment.

In terms of facilities and technology:
FahZoom Town will have
a state-of-the-arts theater ,recording studio,
and conference center
, a first class restaurant and
overnight facilities, all of which,
in an emergency,
will also serve our fifth purpose,

Nice-Play-Park is still in the visionary stage
and in not yet physically manifested.   

3---Nice-Play-Park      .




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We have an entire website
where people who are or choose to
become fifth dimension beings
can connect with others of like mind.:

We are here to help those
seeking to be apart of Earth's new
Service to All social Structure.~

The most exciting part of FahZoom Town
are the teams that are preparing themselves
to be the first to open a door for
the return to Earth of
The Living Library of Cosmic Knowledge

4--5d-People-to-People-Connection-Services     .



C S 18-06-22




Safe-Haven-Rescue, N. CA  
is the physical, take-action and
the emergency services portion of FahZoom Town.  
It has been created and is being built
to update, modernize, and/or re-create all four aspects of
a complete and fully functional  
Emergency Services System:  
                  A.   Disaster Prevention,           
                        B.   Emergency Preparedness,  
                              C.   Emergency Rescue,           
                                    D.   Follow-Up / Rebuild. 

Why Create Safe-Haven Rescue?   
Because piece A.    Disaster Prevention
         is completely missing and
Because piece D.   Follow-up/ Rebuild
         is very poorly poorly managed.   

We have several pages devoted to
describing this portion of FahZoom Town.   
Find them at: 

What Is Safe-Haven Rescue, N. CA

Building the Infrastructure -- What are the Possibities

Creating the Safe-Haven Logo

Safe-Haven Rescue, N. CA is still in its gestation phase.  

5---Safe-Haven-Rescue-N-CA     .



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6)   Hemp Farming and Hemp Product Production   
(This is hemp, not Marijuana) 
When hemp production becomes legal again,
we will be in a product producer in a brand new
multi-billion-dollar industry.  
The profit potential here is awesome.

To Learn More:
    **Hemp - The Hidden Gold mine

    **Hemp  The Planet Rosetta Story     

6---Hemp---The-Hidden-Goldmine     .



C S 18-06-22





You can see our perspective
on Cosmic Disclosure
in these words:

            Before introducing Earth Humans to
            our galactic brothers and sisters,
                we'd be wise to first
                       introduce humans to


Expand your picture of the aspects of FahZoom Town,
and see them together as part of a bigger picture.  
Then, notice that your bigger picture
is part of an even bigger picture.  
Expand you pictures until you see humanity
as part of Cosmic evolution.

For the description of
one of the cosmic timelines for humanity,
you are invited to visit
The Mysty-Crystal-Collective    

7---Human-Join-the-Galactic-Community     .



C S 18-07-16




The Business Structure:
      Read a Summary / Overview at:  

Business-Structure-For-FahZoom-Town     .



. Links OK   1-Jul-18 


Please add one or more of these link-symbols
somewhere on your website. 

$JOY       TLC     
StAL       5dC       EGB    
5dSEX       MOMs       EPCM      
CChrs      5dCrp      BLie     MJSJ      FM LvC  

For a description of these links, go to:

w x 3  dot  MystyCrystal  dot  com

All L-paves  L3-L7 all link sections updater 1 Jul 18







Site Map        Contact Us        Home Page         




 TLC-Life-Center Website







TLC-Life-Center is based on the
three keys of creation;

Llove,  Freedom,  and  Universal Consciousness.  
Our goals include:
*   Living and teaching The Seven Lost Secrets of Llove.
*   Creating a Service to All social Structure.
*   Establishing the global-level, monthly,
      Full-Moon Celebrations of Life and Llove.

Copyright © 2018  --    Robert E. Coté   --   The Life Center
All rights reserved.     See:   Terms of Use      Privacy Statement

Page Title  

       Llove Is Not a Four-Letter Word   
Page Description  
      Llove,  Freedom,  and  Consciousness
      are the three keys of Creation.  
      Whatever the question is,
      Llove is always part of the answer.    

       Llove Is Not a Four-Letter Word   

Page Description  

Llove,  Freedom,  and  Consciousness  are the three keys of Creation.  
Whatever the question is, Llove is always part of the answer.    






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Copy prior to inserting text.   



Entertainment Park Community

The Grand New Beginning






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