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Daily Prayer

A Declaration of Being







I acknowledge
      that there are universal forces
            focused on me,
                  right here, right now,
                        in this moment.  


I acknowledge
      that I am
            the object of
                  positive attention
                        from Source/ Creator/ God.


I realize that I and my Soul-Self
      are a single, unified being,
            that I am an active,
                  self-aware, piece, part, aspect of
                        Source/ Creator/ God.  


I am a God-Being  with God's-Power --
      the power to create by thought.
            My internal Creation-by-Thought machine
                  is on and running in every waking moment.   


This Earth-body I'm in is a multi-sensory
      holographic representation of Me, 
            Me as an independent part of  S.C.God.


I am experiencing life
      in a physical body on planet Earth
            in a Holographic Universe.  


I discovered that
      my mind had been kidnapped by hateful, violent,
            emotionless beings who believed that they
                  could never experience who and what we are.  
                        If there is hell for self punishment,
                              it's being one of them.  


In Source/ Creator/ God's  
      Holographic Universe,
            thoughts direct the creation of things.  
                  Emotions drive the engine, and 
                        we experience a multi-sense representation of
                               our dominant thoughts.  


I appreciate Source/ Creator/ God's
     positive attention
            on behalf of
                  my well being.  


My body is a healthy expression of
      Source/ Creator/ God-Goddess
            in a physical form


I acknowledge that at all times,
   S.C.God  is aware of me,
         that S.C.God  is here with me
                acknowledging me,
                     Lloving me,  
                          appreciating me,  and
                               supporting me  
                                      in all that I do and
                                            in all that I am.    


S.C.God is, always 
      uplifting me,
            assisting me,
                  helping me,
                         showing me,
                                inspiring me,
                                      guiding me, and
                                           having fun with me
                                                  in all that I am and    
                                                         in all that I experience.    


***   Paragraphs 1, 2, 8, 9, 10  courtesy of Abraham / Esther Hicks.   
          Paragraphs 3, 4, 5, 6, 7  courtesy of TLC-Life-Center.      

***   Are you aware that everything in a holograph
          is both inside and outside of itself?     

***   I am also part of the God that is watching over me.  

I Llove Myself.
I Llove My Neighbor.
I Llove Source/ Creator/ God,
all with equal passion and intensity,
because all three are one and the same thing.





A Declaration of Being   

Fifth Dimension Prayer


I no longer pray to God.   I pray as God.

My prayer is in the form of a declaration of what is.  
I then witness  my prayer by mental imagination. 

In my mind, I  see it, hear it, taste, smell and/or touch it.  
I imagine the joyous emotions (internal feelings)
associated with my mentally imagined experience. 

I feel the same feeling that I intend to feel
when my prayer of declaration is fully manifested. 

I focus on the fahzoom feel good feelings.   Why? 

Because, once I have stated my intention,
my emotions are the first step in the manifestation process.   





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