16   24 Feb 2016    Sensual Delights Network   A TLC-Life-Center Website 

   The Ego

        Is a False






Page Summary   

From the Fifth-Dimension perspective,
the evidence tells us that
ego simply a set of mostly false beliefs
that have been plugged into our 
subconscious minds by those
whose intention is to control our lives.  


. .


Page Content<>

*   Page Summary    \

*   The Ego  --  What is it?    

*   The Awareness Perspective  

Are You Inherently Evil    

The Big Lie<  






The Ego -- What Is It?



Consider this possibility - this hypothesis.  
I'm not saying it's true, I'm simply asking is it possible.  

Is it possible that we have been
intentionally mentally programmed with false beliefs,
beliefs designed to control our behavior?  


The Ego from Third Dimension Perspective:   
did the ego come from?  
Why is it screwing up my life?

The Ego is commonly thought of as
a controlling part of ourselves
that makes destructive and/or controlling
demands upon our behavior.  

It's commonly thought of as some kind of bad person
inside of ourselves that is at war with
the good part of ourselves.  

It's the excuse the Christian churches use
*   to declare that humans are inherently evil,
*   to declare that we must pray to an external angry, fickle,  
      demanding, mass-murdering, super-human-being
      called God who lives in the sky, and   
*   that we  must obey church leaders, because if we don't,
      the evil, evil, evil devil who lives in hell beneath our feet
      will get us and we burn there forever.
The the evidence does NOT support this assessment.  

The .concept called Ego
is a  false, third dimension, cabal trick
designed to control your mind
and thus, control your behavior. 

It's a bunch of negative, dysfunctional beliefs
plugged into your mind and collectively labeled ego,
as if it were a separate real being
inside of you  that must be dealt with,    

Ego  does not exist.   It never has existed.  It's a Cabal Illusion,    Instead of an ego, we have a body mind. 

Innate Body:     The Smart Body     Balanced Body

The invisible (spiritual / conscious)
part of Self 
that is the collection of
body cells, organs, tissues and the like
functioning together as a team.

Innate is the Spirit and intelligence of my biology  
Innate is what I talk to when I do muscle testing.  

      I intend and I have clear communication
      with my Innate

      I know how to tell my innate body
      what I want it to be, do, have,
      express, and experience.  

      We functioning together as a teem
      I feel the connection and the mutual Llove,
       and that feels really, really good.  

      It's one of the ways I Llove myself,   
      and that feels really, really good!   

      I now have permission from myself
      to Llove myself, ,
       and that feels really, really good!    

Innate body consciousness
knows about body and the self.  
It does NOT provide answers
about the external world .  

      To create my desired and stated intention,  
My innate self responds 
      using the cellular rejuvenation system,
      and that feels reall,. really good!  

      My biology also may respond in a process we call 
      Quantum Jumping. (Link to Quantum Jumping on this page)

      Quantum Jumping is the shifting
      from one timeline to another timeline. 

      Link to webpage describing Time and Timelines




The Awareness Perspective:   
From the Fifth-Dimension perspective,
there's what the evidence tells us:

The word "ego" is
a name given to a set of

negative and controlling beliefs

designed to limit human consciousness.   

The ego is a set of mostly false beliefs
that were plugged into our subconscious minds. 
We took in most of these beliefs
when we were little children.

Our minds got programmed
with the beliefs of our parents, our teachers,
our religions, television, and our society at large.    

The most effective way to control a person
is to plug false beliefs into his or her subconscious mind.  


Dealing with the Ego  
*   Remember, when you give a name to something
     you give it credibility.  
*   Take away the name.  
*   Step by step remove the false beliefs.  

Talk to the part of you called Ego and say:  
Your services have been excellent.   Thank you.  
Now that we have moved into Fifth Dimension Consciousness,
we both have new jobs. 
Your new job is to have more fun and
my new job is to show us how that's accomplished.   



Are You Inherently Evil?   

Must you pray to an external angry, fickle,  
demanding, mass murdering, super human being
called God who lives in the sky?  

Must you obey your church leaders,
because you believe that
if you don't, the evil, evil, evil devil
who live in hell beneath your feet
will get you and you will burn in hell
in suffering and misery forever?  

If you believe the church-peddled fairytale/ nightmare,
does that control your behavior?    

You can be absolutely certain that     IT DOES!

What if you realize that you are an eternal
non-physical, multi-dimensional God-Being
having a human experience in a holographic universe?  

When you realize that you live in a
self-created and self-controlled holographic universe,
you realize that you have the power to create your own life
with nothing more than your thoughts, beliefs,
attitudes, expectations, and emotions?

Come on.    Wake up!   Examine the evidence.  
Your ego is another bullshit lie
being peddled to keep you as a mindless, wage slave!   

If you do anything for money, you are doing so
because your false programming
is causing you to believe you are powerless, and
must obey those in control of our society.  

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Well, never mind.  
Just continue to ignore the evidence.  
Don't let me take you away from
all those really important things that
we get told about on television,
like who won the ball game last night?  


The Big Lie

Ego is simply another tool used to control the masses.  
It's part of The Big Lies.  
It's an aspect of separation consciousness which declares
that we (all humans) are separate form God,
separate from nature, and separate from each other.  

The ego is peddled by our so called leaders as if it were
an undefeatable, separate, evil enemy lurking inside of ourselves,
an enemy that it must be feared, fought, and defeated.   

It's related to the false self image.  
The false self image says that
there is something wrong with me,
that I must hate, fight, and defeat myself
or I'll burn in hell forever.  


The Fifth Dimension truth about the ego  
sounds incredibly bizarre and unbelievable
when viewed from the very limited,
third dimension consciousness.   
When you put dozens of seemingly unrelated things together
into a single hypothesis where they fit together perfectly.   

Once you remove the false programming,
what remains is your loving self.  
You are  an eternal, non-physical powerful, divine god-being
having a human experience. 

To learn more: 
The Great In Between -  Page Two - Creating with emotions 


*   Section Title 





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   The Ego

        Is a False







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Copyright © 2016  --    Robert E. Coté   --   The Life Center

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Site:      16  -- C-Truth-B-Free.com

Page:    The Ego

Address:   https://c-truth-b-free.com/k-ego-false-programing.html

Title:      16 -The Ego - A False Cabal Creation - C-Truth-B-Free.com

Description:   We are Eternal, Non-physical Beings.   We live in Source/ Creator/ God's Cosmic, Holographic Universe   


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Talk to the part of you called Ego and say:  
Your services have been excellent.   Thank you.

Now that we have moved into Fifth Dimension Consciousness,
we both have new jobs. 
You new job is to have more fun and
my new job is to show us how that's accomplished.   

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