16       The FahZoom Breath & Release Technique  
Created 29 Aug 2914      Last updated    4  Aug 2019    

      The FahZoom

             Breath & Release








Guaranteed Failures:   
If you intend a joy-filled life
leave out everything listed below in this section

     Trying to change someone else.
     Trying  to please someone else.
     Blaming others for your negative  experiences.

     Must,   Ought to,  Have to,  Can't  Won't
     Should have done it.   Shouldn't have done it
     Life sucks and then you die.

     It's impossible.  
     It's inevitable.
.    It can't be any other way

    Trying is pre-justifying failure.





Page Summary


The FahZoom Breath and Release Technique
is the master cycle breaker.  
It not only breaks the cycle, 
it eliminates the cycle
so you are no longer mind-control-programmed
to do the same, damned, dumb thing
over again and again.  

The FahZoom) Breath and Release Technique
involves combining conscious breathing with
The Four, Primary Sounds of Delight
,  -- 
Aahhh!   Oohhh!   Uuooo!   Mmmm.  

It's a technique for creating
the feelings of joy in your physical body.  
It's also a technique for ridding
both your mind and your body
of low frequency thoughts, beliefs attitudes, emotions, etc. 
(such as guilt, fear, and anger).

Instead of Working on Your Problems,      

Celebrate Their Replacements.   







We'll make this a simple as possible
and then, if you choose ,
you can  expand your understanding
by reading the additional text below on this page.

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Aahh!   Oohhh!   Uuhhh  and   Mmmm! 
are the
Primary Sounds of FahZoom
(the feel-good feelings).  
They reduce/ shut down/ turn off Duality. 
They are your connection to
Oneness, Wholeness, Unity, to
The All That Is.  

It's your pathway to living
every moment of your physical life
in a human physical body at the level of Orgasmic Joy

When you make these sounds you are creating future    
Aahh!   Oohh!     Uuuuh  and   Mmmm!     experiences    

FahZoom is a combination of  
*   Oohhh!   Yes, that's it!    The elixir of anticipation,
*   Aahhh!   The in-breath,    The moment of arrival
*   Uuhhh!   The peak experience, itself, and  
*   Mmmm!   The moments of contentment,
     satisfaction, the fulfillment,
     the peace of mind that follows a peak, FahZoom experience.
The phrase  FahZoom Home
     has all four feel-good feeling sounds. 

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Remember, everything is vibrating energy.
Energy vibrations are controlled by consciousness.
You have the capacity to create with this energy.

Here's the absolute simplest way
to get rid of The Unwanted.  
                    On TLC-Life-Center Websites,,
                    we refer to whatever we
                    are intending to release as 
the unwanted." 

In your mind,  create its exact opposite and
merge the exact opposite and
the unwanted.  

These two vibrations cancel each other out out of existence.  

Then direct Source/ Creator/ God-Goddess
to fill the void with either Creators Light and Llove
or with the exaxt opposite of the unwanted..  

Again, think of the opposite of
what you just got rid of.   
Imagine an ideal image of it. 
Hold it in your focus.  
Think about it as if it were a
present-moment physically-real  experience.    
Let the feeling simply be there in you.   
Let the Joy feelings overwhelm you.

Then, do three FahZoom breath cycles.

Example below





Here's an example using Health as our point of focus.
The same technique also applies to any other topic,
Wealth, Your Home Environment, Relationships, et cetera.

With four separate breaths, I experience the following:

*1   The Wakeup Moment,
     The excitement of Discovery  and 
      the anticipation of what I am about to experience.   

      This is my   Aahhh.! moment, my  Realization
      I Am Healthy
      It's Here.   It's Here.   I am Healthy 
      and I feel really, really good.  
     Thank you.   Thank you.   Thank You.!

*2   The Intellectual Knowing
     The bliss. the delight is arriving.
     I'm Healthy.
     Oh my God.!  It's really true.  
      I really am Healthy.   WOW.!

*3   The First internal feeling of my new state of being
     The experience, itself.   
 Uuhhh!    The joy of the in-this-now experience.
    I am Healthy.
    I Feel the joy  feeling.
 I am Healthy.   Uuhhh!    That feels really, really good.!
     I feel my natural state of being  so intensely,  
     it's almost orgasmic.

*4   Mission Accomplished
     The moments of contentment where everything stops.    
Mmmm!    The Afterglow ( that freshly lucked feeling). 
     I feel Healthy.
  Mmmm!       Mission accomplished
     I am satisfied,
     I feel  Safe, Peaceful, Relaxed,  At Ease
     I now have peace of mind.
     It's as if I have arrived home
         after a long, arduous journey
         and that feels really, really good.

<><><><>   <><><><>

I witness (I see and feel)
     the flow of Source/ Creator's Llove and Light
     moving from Source/ Creator,
     into me, and surrounding me
     with the energy of excellent Health.  

*   Then, another Ah Ha moment   hit's me.
     I AM Health.!   I am Wealth.! 
     I am everything else, as well
     I am part of God.  
     I am an intimate part of everything
     and that feels really, really good.  

The energy overflows my physical form
and fills my entire beingness and
also fills everything surrounding me
with the energy of health, wealth, and abundance.  
The excess radiates out from me
into my holographic, physical world.





Robert Cote'  aka   AhhHoom FahZoom 



I am a     Teacher,     Guide,     Wayshower.
My specialty is Fifth-Dimension-Consciousness.
I absolutely guarantee that I can guide you
into a level of consciousness that will make your life
a joy-filled, grand adventure in Llove and abundance..

I even offer a
Better Than a Money-Back Guarantee.
I do all my coaching services on a donation basis.
You pay
Nothing up front.
When you are satisfied with my services,
you offer a free will donation to TLC-Life-Center.

Base your tithe, your donation upon the value you received.
Factor in you level of income and
then, gift us with your self-determined donation.






Page Content


Page Summary    
What Is the FahZ00m Breath & Release Technique?    
Why Use this Technique   

The What, Why, and How of Witnessing    

The Technique, Itself
Release Past Future and Wanting      

Three Keys to Remember
Publication and Use   of the Fahzoom  Technique     

The Long Form

Footnotes and References      

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What Is the FahZoom

Breath and Release Technique?


The FahZoom Breath and Release Technique
provides the time, the place, and the way
to start remembering and to begin expressing
who and what you really are

In case you have not yet been informed,
here's who and what you are:    

What-Humans-Really-Are       What-Humans-Really-Are

You and I and everyone else,
are all part of
a single unified whole.  

We are all 

***   Eternal  
***   Invisible  
(to the human eyes),
***   Non-physical,
***   Multi-dimensional,
***   Self-aware,
***   Divine beings
  (having a)
***   Human experience
  (in a)
***   Physical body,
***   Here on Earth  
 (in a)
***  holographic universe.  

Our individual consciousness is part of
a collective consciousness.  

Our Holographic experiences

      are all observer-created 
            and  observer controlled

We have been mind-manipulated and mind controlled
by a highly sophisticated network of
Cabal Banking Criminals.
Our subconscious minds have been programmed
to believe numerous lies, silent deceptions, and  illusions.  

*   Much of the evidence (the truth) has been edited
       to alter its meaning.  
*   Pieces of truth have been
       removed and replaced by lies.  
*   And pieces of the truth have simply been
      left out completely.  

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This is the time, the place, and the way to:  
***   Release our obsolete 3rd-dimension thinking processes,  
***   Release our obsolete 3rd-dimension beliefs, attitudes,
               emotions, judgments, expectations, et cetera, and    
***   Release our obsolete 3rd-dimension, destructive behavior.    

The FahZoom Breath and Release Technique  

It involves combining conscious breathing
with The Four, Primary Sounds of Delight,  -- 
Aahhh!   Oohhh!   Uuhhh!     Mmmm.  

We commonly make these sounds
when we have a delightful or a joyous experience
such as seeing something of incredible beauty,
tasting a delicious food, or having an orgasm:   

FahZoom is a combination of  
*   Oohhh!   Yes, that's it!    The elixir of anticipation,
*   Aahhh!   The in-breath,    The moment of arrival
*   Uuhhh!   The peak experience, itself, and  
*   Mmmm!   The moments of contentment,
     satisfaction, the fulfillment,
     the peace of mind that follows a peak, fahzoom experience.
The phrase  FahZoom Home
     has all four feel-good feeling sounds.  


***   The in-breath.  The excitement of anticipation.

***   Oohhh!  The bliss of delight has arrived.   

***   The experience, itself.   
        Uuhhh!    The joy of being in-the experience.   

***   The moments of contentment where everything stops.    
        Mmmm!    The Afterglow

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*   What Is the FahZoom Breath & Release Technique?






Why Use This Technique?



Why do I use The FahZoom Breath and Release Technique?   

Because it works whenever I use it.        

Because it's the master cycle breaker.  
It not only breaks the cycle,
it eliminates the cycle
so you are no longer
to do the same damned dumb thing over again
  . . .   
and again
  . . .   and . . .

Cycle breakers derail negative thought patterns,
and as you now know,
we live in a holographic universe
and in a holographic universe,
what we think about today
is what we will experience in our future.  
Thoughts, beliefs, emotions, attitudes, et cetera,
create our reality.  

This technique is a way
to change your future experiences
from negative to positive  --  
from Kold-Priki  to FahZoom.     

How and Why It Works:
It works because thoughts, words, and emotions
are Source/Creator's  creation tools.  
They each define a States of Being.  
Does this quote sound familiar?  

"In the beginning was the Word, and
      The Word with God, and
      The word was God."  

Did you ever stop and think about
what that means?  
In our human form,
thoughts and words
are your tools of creation.

You are A God-Being.   You are a child of God.
We are all children of The Universe
God-Consciousness is or Father/ Mother.,
you have God's power of creation

It means that when we think and speak
every time we think and speak)
we are placing our creation energy
into our personal version of reality.  
We are creating our own future.  
Remember, we live in a holographic universe.  
Thoughts, beliefs, emotions, attitudes, et cetera,
create our reality.  

It's Time to Re-claim Our Humanity
Step one is to reconnect to the true nature of reality.  
Let me remind you again about
who you are
, what you are,
 and where you are.     

You  are an:

***   Eternal   (timeless)  
***   Invisible   (to the human eyes),
***   Non-physical,
***   Multi-dimensional,
***   Self-aware,
***   Divine being.  

We are each a  
***   Spark, Aspect, Piece, Part, Representation  of
        Source/ Creator/ God

We are each having a

***   Human experience   (in a)
***   Physical body,
***   Here on Earth.  

 We share a Collective Reality  (in a)
***  holographic universe.  

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The Primary Sounds of Delight are:  
Aahhh!      Oohhh!      Uuhhh!    and      Mmmm!  

When you make these sounds you are creating
 Aahhh!   Oohhh!   Uuhhh!  and   Mmmm!    experiences    

Aahhh!   Oohhh!   Uuhhh! and   Mmmm! 
are the sounds of:
Peace of mind,  

Aahhh!   Oohhh!   Uuhhh!  and   Mmmm! 
Are t
he fahzoom (feel good) Powers of Creation   

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Aahh!   Oohhh!   Uuhhh  and   Mmmm! 
are the Primary Sounds of Fahzoom
(the feel-good feelings).  
They reduce/ shut down/ turn off Duality. 
They are your connection to
Oneness, Wholeness, Unity, to The All That Is.  

It's your pathway to living
every moment of your physical life
in a human physical body at the orgasmic level  --

***   The in-breath.  The excitement of anticipation.

***   Oohhh!  The bliss of delight is arriving.   

***   The experience, itself.   
        Uuhhh!    The joy of the in-this-now experience.   

***   The moments of contentment where everything stops.    
        Mmmm!    The Afterglow ( that freshly lucked feeling). 

Every time you have a fahzoom thought,
say a fahzoom word
, or engage in a fahzoom activity,
you are building your your own, future fahzoom world. 

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*   Why Use this Technique  






A Required Piece of the
Physical Creation Process


By now, you're likely familiar with
this scientifically proven principle of sub-atomic physics: 
An observer affects that which it observes.
This principle also applies to
the physical manifestation process in
Source/ Creator/ God-Goddess's Holographic Universe.  

Witnessing is a critical part of the manifestation process.   
Nothing manifests without first being witnessed
in the mind of its creator.
You've probably spoken affirmations and
wondered why they didn't work.  
The primary answer is: 
They didn't work because the witnessing portion
of your creation process was left out.  

The same principle also applies
      to the release process --  
      to the de-manifestation of the unwanted.   
      to letting go of the unwanted beliefs, attitudes,
      expectations, and/or behaviors.   
We'll detail this in an moment.

In this document, we refer to
whatever we
are intending to release
as  "the unwanted."     

Witnessing is intentionally built into
the The FahZoom Breath and Release Technique?  

How Does One Witness?
Witnessing is accomplished by visualizing,
by seeing your declaration in your mind's eye, 
by imagining,    by hearing,
by feeling the feelings associated with your declaration
as if it were
already physically real. 

A Personal Example

The way that I witness is in three parts.  

First, I see (imagine) a river  (a stream, a column) 
of creators light flowing down from the heavens and
filling me with the energy of the creation of my intention.  

Second, I see, feel, imagine the energy turning into
the physical form matching that of my intention and

Third, I see the creators light radiating
out from me in every direction.   
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For Example:
I declare that I vibrate in harmony with
the universal vibrations of health, wealth,
and abundance (both physical and financial  abundance.)  

I celebrate my health, my wealth,
and my financial abundance
with the FahZoom Breath  Aahhh!     Uuooo!     Mmmm!  
I feel it.   I experience it.   
I am now vibrating with the energy of
health, wealth, and financial abundance.  
Among countless other manifestations of joy,
I am healthy.  
I am wealthy.  
I am financially abundant.  
and that feels really, really good.

In the Fifth Dimension money does not exist
I am healthy.   I am wealthy.  
I am,  I do,  I have,,  I express,  I experience
an abundance of anything
and everything I could ever  
Want        Need      Desiree,     or      Reqire.
and all that  that feels really, really good.

Create by Indirection:  
Create by feeling the feeling associated with
whatever you choose to experience.  

Avoid thinking about money. 
*  Because money is filled with negative emotions
     like I don't have enough. 
*   Because SCARCITY  and MONEY are both about to become
     dead, Dead. DEAD.! and Gone Forever.
*   Because, between now and then, for a  short time,
     money is still a vital part of humanity's creation process.  

Please Notice that
In order to reach the Fifth Dimension , 
we must work/play together,
with and for each other.
Then and only then, our combined powers of creation
will produce  so much abundance that
Scarcity will simply cease to  exist.
Without Scarcity
Money is dead, Dead. DEAD.!

*   In 5th-D., money is no longer a medium of exchange.
     In 5th-D., we don't exchange, We simply give.

*   In 5th-D., money is no longer a measure of value.
*   In 5th-D., money is no longer a storage of wealth.
Our wealth and our values are NOT in the external world.
They are inside of each and every one of us.

Stuff outside of our non-physical beingness
has no value because
external stuff is a multi-sensory, holographic  illusion.  
When you learn the Physics of Consciousness,
you'll realize that physical stuff
is infinitely repeatable and replacable.
When SCARCITY dies,  MONEY also dies

I am a Physics Teacher.  
I teach the Physics of Fifth Dimension Consciousness.
The Fifth Dimension is in the non-physical side of reality
Are you aware that Reality has two sides,
one physical and ne non-physical 
Both sides function on the basis of very specific laws.

*   There are easy ways and hard ways t use the laws of physics.
     ONE, by struggling in the physical world, or
     TWO, by the conscious application of
           the Physics of Fifth Dimension Consciousness.
*   Remember, Fifth Dimension Physics
     controls third dimension physics.

Third Dimension is not wrong or bad.
Its grossly incomplete
and horrorably mismanaged.

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We are not seeking the money.   
We are not even seeking what the money will buy.  
We are seeking the feel good feelings (FahZoom)
that will result from
experiencing   Health,   Wealth,   Earthy Abundnce

Feeling good about something is our point of focus.
Intentionally creating something in our holographic reality.  
is simply part of the how-its-done-process.  

Everything else is Source/ Creator/ God's job not ours. 
We focus on the feeling we will feel
when our intention is fully manifested.
Feel the feelings and then say,
Thank you.  This feels really, really good.

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With four separate breaths, I say
*1   The Wakeup Moment,
     This is my   Aahhh.! moment
     My  Realization
     I Am Healthy
     It's Here.   It's Here.   I am Healthy
     Yes.!      Yahhh.!   I'm excited
     I'm Healthy.  I am truly blessed.
     and that feels really, really good.  
     Thank you.   Thank you.   Thank You.!

*2   I'm Healthy.
     Oh my God.!  It's really true.  
    The Intellectual Knowing.
     I really am Healthy
     That feels really, really good.  

*3   The First internal feeling of my new state of being
    I am Healthy.
    Feel that feeling.
    That feels really, really good.

*4   Mission Accomplished
     I feel Healthy.
     I am satisfied,
     I feel  Safe, Peaceful, Relaxed,  At Ease
     I finally have peace of mind.
     I have arrived home after a long arduous journey
     and that feels really, really good.

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With four separate breaths, I say
*   I feel Wealthy. Aahhh!  It's Here.  It's Here  I'm excited
     I'm so blessed.     and that feels really, really good.
Thank you.   Thank you.   Thank You.!

*   I'm Wealthy.
  Oohhh!  Oh my God.!  It's really true.
     I Am Wealthy.   WOW.!   That feels really, really good.

*   I am Wealthy.
   Uuhhh!    that feels really, really good..!
     I feel abundance so intensely,   it's almost orgasmic.

*   I feel Wealthy.
  Mmmm!    Mission accomplished
     I am satisfied,
     I feel so safe and peaceful

I witness (I see and feel)
     the flow of Source/ Creator's Llove and Light
     moving from Source/ Creaor,
     into me, and surrounding me
     with the energy of Health and Wealth.  
*   Then, the Ah Ha moment   hit's me.
     I AM Health.!   I am Wealth.!
     I am part of God.   I am an intimate part of everything
    and that feels really, really good.  

The energy overflows my physical form
and fills my entire beingness and
also fills everything surrounding me
with the energy of health, wealth, and abundance.  
The excess radiates out from me
into my holographic , physical world.

Notice that I did not specify
how Source/ Creator co-creates
health, wealth, and abundance
in my physical, holographic universe.  
I simply declared and witnessed
that I AM the end result.

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* The What, Why, and How of Witnessing







This section will walk you through the process
of releasing the old and bringing in the new.  

The technique involves making
a series of conscious breathing cycles while repeating
Aahhh!   Oohhh!   Uuhhh!     Mmmm!   sounds
and then saying the word

It's designed to get you into your body,
into your feelings, into your emotions,
into the multi-dimensional, blended-being consciousness  -- 
into Fifth Dimension consciousness -- 
a consciousness in which the entire soul eventually enters
and functions within the human physical body.  

You cannot do this exercise in your head

You must feel the sounds.  

For example, make the  

   Oohhh!    Uuhhh!     Mmmm!   sounds
and become aware of feel how they vibrate your body.

Let's Begin

*   Notice how you feel before you  
        start the process.      

*   Sit comfortably when and where
        you will not be disturbed.     

 *   Focus your attention on your breathing.   

*   Breathe deeper than your normal breath.   

*   Close your eyes and as you say the
        Aahhh!   Oohhh!    Uuhhh!     Mmmm!   sounds
         feel the accompanying feel-good feelings

*   Breath with your diaphragm.  (belly breathing)   

*   Allow your upper body to move with your breathing.

*   Inhale then exhale while softly saying Aahhh.  

*    Inhale then exhale while softly saying

*   Inhale then exhale while softly saying

*   Inhale then exhale while softly saying

*   Inhale and then with the exhale say:  

      I am  Fahzoom
              Feel the FahZoom feelings.

*   Repeat the  
Aahhh!     Oohhh!   Uuhhh!    Mmmm!   sounds. 
       In the next cycle say:   
"I feel   Fahzoom."

*   Repeat the   Aahhh!    Oohhh!   Uuhhh!     Mmmm!   sounds. 
        In the next cycle say: 
"My body is Fahzoom.  

*   Repeat these-breath cycles several times. 

*   Notice how you say  
   Oohhh!   Uuooo,  and   Mmmmm.

*   Notice how you feel when you've repeated this process
           several times. 

Become aware of how the sounds
affect your emotions and
how they affect your body.  

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The next step is to connect to
the non-physical part of yourself.  

It's called your Higher-Self,  your Inner-Self
your Soul-Self, your Over-Soul.  
However you choose to name it,
it is the part of you this is fully conscious of itself as
an individuated God being.  

You are both separate and united with

Source/ Creator/ God -Goddess
by way of the portion of you that is a Soul-Self.  

From the point in the center of your heart,
allow a portion of your awareness to
gently float down into Sacred Mother Earth.  
Beneath the surface of the Earth, connect with
The Crystal Globe of Source/Creator/ God-Goddess.
This will put you into full contact  with God-Goddess.

Feel how you are intimately inter connected with
both Sacred Mother Earth and with God-Goddess.  
Feel that energetic and vibratory harmony.  
Close your eyes and breath consciously.  
Let your body and every cell in it
feel its connection to the Earth and to God-Goddess.  
This connection is also called  being  grounded.   

While holding the connection to Earth/Goddess,
imagine yourself expanding from your heart
and getting bigger, brighter, more aware,
more powerful, more loving, more of everything.  

Expand until your personality self
is blended with your Over-Soul.  
Your point of focus includes your entire aura.  
Feel yourself merged with your Over Soul.  
Become aware that every part of yourself
is one, single, unified being.  

Notice that your body, your personality-self, your mind,
and your spirit are a single, unified, blended being.  
This is
The Unity of One.  
Hold that level of consciousness while flowing with
the rest of this exercise.  






Become aware of a negative thought, pictures, or sound,
something that triggers a negative emotion (kohld-priki).  
Become aware of the accompanying feeling. 

Feel a khold-priki (a feel-bad feeling), such as: 
*   A memory of old and painful experience.   
*   Fear of something  you fear will be in the future.   
*   Perhaps it's something you feel guilty about. 
*  Are you judging yourself for having done
     or not done something?   
*  Did you make a mistake that could have
     significant, negative consequences?    
*   Do you feel not worthy of having abundance.
*   Do you feel guilty because you have sexual thoughts.
*   Did you  disobey the church teachings
     Are you afraid of burning in hell forever.
*   Did you loose or break something valuable
     and feel you must be punished?
*   Do you feel vulnerable, unsafe and insecure?
*   Do you feel that you  have to do something
     but you can't do it?
*   Do you feel out of control?   
*   Do you  want to please your parents/ wife/ husband,  etc.,
      but no matter what I do, it's wrong.
Et cetera.  Et cetera.   Whatever makes you feel bad. 
Use this process to release negative emotions such as
fear, guilt, anger, sadness, etc. 
Use it to get rid of self-judgments.

Acknowledge the feeling.
Just let it be there.   Feel it.

Remind yourself that the feeling
         is a belief you have about yourself.  

                It is NOT real
                         It is NOT  you.  

You are a great creator in a holographic universe -
a universe that is created by thought.   

Now take in a deep breath full of Source/ Creator's Llove.  
Exhale that Llove into the unwanted feeling.  
Mix the two together like you were mixing the ingredients
to make a cake.
and, now, we are going to give it back to God-Goddess  




Alternative #1    

In your i
magination, place
the unwanted
in front of you on an imaginary table, a pedestal, or a platform
so that is directly in front of you.  

If it's a feeling inside of yourself that you choose to release,
imagine a duplicate of yourself sitting in front of you.   
Let the feeling simply be there in you.   
Do three FahZoom breath cycles.  
Follow the process described below.

 *   Focus your attention on it,  or  on your duplicate self.  
      See it.     Feel it.     Experience it.  
       Be totally with and accept whatever
       you are intending to release.   Just allow it to be.

*   Notice it for two or three
ahhh!     Oohhh!     Uuhhh!      Mmmm!  breath cycles.    

*   You can amplify the power of release by  
     distorting the image.   For example, consider turning
      the image inside out, backwards, and/or up side down.     

*   If you are releasing an aspect of yourself, such as a habit, 
     place that part of yourself on the table/stand/platform.
     in front of you.   If it's a specific incident,
     imagine yourself at the age you were
     and the circumstances (context) you were in
     when you created what you now want to get rid of.     

 *   Stay with it for one or two  more breath cycles.     

 *   Next, imagine a River of Light & Llove coming down
     form the heavens and engulfing and infusing

      the unwanted with Creator Llove and Light.  

*   Direct the light to remove the self replicating aspect
the unwanted.   This is particularly important
      if you're intention is to also release
              an unwanted habit pattern.  

<><><>   <><><>

Do you have memories of the same
or related thing in your past?  
If so, its likely that you have
a subconscious pattern that is
keeping you stuck.  

Instead of releasing just one item
and, then, moving on,
repeat the process that you just did, only, his time,  
release the entire, underlying, subconscious pattern. 

<><><>   <><><>  

Remove the Self-Replicating Component

each Cabal-installed habit pattern, there is
a self-replicating component
that is activated when the person with the habit
attempts to remove the habit.  
To get rid of this component,
imagine Source/ Creators Llove and light
entering the image in front of you and
the aspect of the habit that reproduces itself.    

Direct the Light to break all connections
to and from
the unwanted.  
In other words, break all connections to
all related thought feelings, or emotions. 

Direct Creator to destroy the self replicator
that is in the habit pattern.  
That's the part that automatically 
replaces what you get rid of.   

Let the feeling simply be there in you.   
Do three FahZoom breath cycles.  

Next, imagine something that brings you joy   
such as the opposite of the removed implant.   

Imagine its replacement forming in front of you
out of nothing.   See, feel, become aware of
how you created this by your thoughts,  
or simply direct Source/ Creator/ God-Goddess
to fill the void with S/C/God's Light and Llove.  

With the next inhale, breathe
the Llove into yourself
or into your environment..

Direct Creator to remove the lies.  
Flood the implant with Creator's Llove
Direct The Light to 
wash away everything that is not the  truth,     

<><><>   <><><>

Alternative #2    

Here's another way to get rid of The Unwanted.   In your mind,  create its exact opposite and merge the exact opposite and the unwanted.   They cancel each other out of existence.   Then direct Source/ Creator to fill the void with Creators Light and Llove.  

Next , think of the opposite of what you just got rid of.    Imagine an ideal image of it.  Hold it in your focus.   Think about it as if it were a present-moment, physically-real experience.     Let the feeling simply be there in you.    Do three FahZoom breath cycles.

<><><>   <><><>     

If it's the duplicate self you are releasing, simply know that what you are releasing is a dysfunctional part of yourself.  

Now that it's gone, how do you feel without it?  

If the negative internal feeling is still present, repeat the process each day until the negative feelings are completely gone.  

<><><>   <><><>

Then, with the next exhale, gently and lovingly
blow it away.   Let it go.    

Watch the whole mess move away and fade into nothing.  

<><><>   <><><>  
































 For an extensive list of things to release, readers are directed to:   
1)   The page on this website titled, From Reptilian to Human.   This page deals with removing reptilian, energetic implants.   

2) On our Theta-Healing/Theta-Transformation website, see the page titled:  The Release process  --  What to Release

<><><>    <><><><>   














Alternative #1    

In your imagination, place the unwanted
in front of you on an imaginary table, a pedestal, or a platform
so that is directly in front of you.  

If it's a feeling inside of yourself that you choose to release,
imagine a duplicate of yourself sitting in front of you.   
Let the feeling simply be there in you.   
Do three FahZoom breath cycles.  
Follow the process described below.

      ***   Focus your attention on it,  or  on your duplicate self.  
               See it.     Feel it.     Experience it.  
               Be totally with and accept whatever
               you are intending to release.   Just allow it to be.

      ***   Notice it for two or three
              Aahhh!    Oohhh!  Uuhhh!     Mmmm! 
breath cycles.    

      ***   You can amplify the power of release by  
               distorting the image.   For example, consider turning
               the image inside out, backwards, and/or up side down.     

      ***   If you are releasing an aspect of yourself, such as a habit, 
               place that part of yourself on the table/stand/platform.
               in front of you.   If it's a specific incident,
               imagine yourself at the age you were
               and the circumstances (context) you were in
               when you created what you now want to get rid of.     

      ***   Stay with it for two or three more breath cycles.     

      ***   Next, imagine a River of Light & Llove coming down
              form the heavens and engulfing and infusing
              the unwanted with Creator Llove and Light.  

      ***   Direct the light to remove the self replicating aspect
              of the unwanted.   This is particularly important
              if you're intention is to also release
              an unwanted habit pattern.  

<><><>   <><><>

Do you have memories of the same
or related thing in your past?  
If so, its likely that you have
a subconscious pattern that is
keeping you stuck.  

Instead of releasing just one item
and, then, moving on,
repeat the process that you just did, only, his time,  
release the entire, underlying, subconscious pattern.  

<><><>   <><><>  

Remove the Self-Replicating Component    

In each Cabal-installed habit pattern, there is
a self-replicating component
that is activated when the person with the habit
attempts to remove the habit.  
To get rid of this component,
imagine Source/ Creators Llove and light
entering the image in front of you and

the aspect of the habit that reproduces itself

Direct the Light to break all connections
to and from the unwanted.  
In other words, break all connections to
all related thought feelings, or emotions. 

Direct Creator to destroy the self replicator in the habit pattern.  
That's the part that automatically  replaces what you get rid of.   

Let the feeling simply be there in you.   

Do three FahZoom breath cycles.  

Next, imagine something that brings you joy   
such as the opposite of the removed implant

Imagine its replacement forming in front of you
out of nothing.   See, feel, become aware of
how you created this by your thoughts,  
or simply direct Source/ Creator God
to fill the void with S/C/God's Light and Llove.  

With the next inhale, breathe
the Llove into yourself
or into your environment.           

Direct Creator to remove the lies.  
Flood the implant with Creator's Llove
Direct The Light to 
wash away everything that is not the  truth

<><><>   <><><>

Alternative #2    

Here's another way to get rid of The Unwanted.   In your mind,  create their exact opposite and merge the exact opposite and the unwanted.   They cancel each other out of existence.   Then direct Source/ Creator to fill the void with Creators Light and Llove.  

Next , think of the opposite of what you just got rid of.    Imagine an ideal image of it.  Hold it in your focus.   Think about it as if it were a present-moment, physically-real experience.     Let the feeling simply be there in you.    Do three fahzoom breath cycles.

<><><>   <><><>     

If it's the duplicate self you are releasing, simply know that what you are releasing is a dysfunctional part of yourself.  

Now that it's gone, how do you feel without it?  

If the negative internal feeling is still present, repeat the process each day until the negative feelings are completely gone.  

<><><>   <><><>

Adjusting the Process & Filling the Void  

As you become familiar with this process, you may decide to make some minor adjustments.   For example, at times, I'll do the release silently and use only the Inhale with Fahh and the Exhale saying Zuumm.   

Although this adaption is simpler, it's mush less powerful.   The advantage of this format is that it can be done anywhere without anybody knowing what you're doing. 

<><><>   <><><>

Once you have completed the release, imagine the void filled with Source/ Creator/ God's Light and Llove.   For example, imagine a river of light and Llove pouring down from the heavens and filling your entire being.     

<><><>   <><><>

Another way to visualize this is to imagine that whatever it is you are focusing on  is like ice.   Invite Source/ Creator/ God to shine bright light on it and then see it and imagine it melting, evaporating, and disappearing into nothing.    

Still another way is to visualize this is to imagine that whatever it is you are focusing on  is placed on a fire.    Imagine the fire of transformation changing it into smoke and see the smoke disappearing into nothing.    

And one more way to release whatever it is you are focusing on is to imagine it engulfed in Source/ Creator/ God's Llove and then carried away into a different reality.     

And still one more.   See the unwanted turned upside down and backwards.   Imagine it beginning to spin.   Watch as it spins faster, see it move away, fade, get smaller and disappear into S/C/God's un-manifested potential called The Matrix of Infinite Potential.

<><><>   <><><> 

You can also use this by itself as a cycle breaker.    A cycle breaker is a technique used to intentionally shift your thinking away from an unwanted thought and its accompanying unwanted, internal feelings.  

There will be times when you simply say the word fahzoom, either  out loud or silently.   Say and feel the  Faahh  as you inhale.   Say and feel the  zzuumm  as you exhale.   

We suggest that you combine the Fah zoom Breath and Release Technique with one or more of the other cycle breaker described at the bottom of this page.

<><><>   <><><>

Repeat this process as often and as many times as necessary until the unwanted whatever is out of your mind and the unwanted feeling is out of your body.  

Remember, it's the internal feel-good-feelings that are at the core of multi-dimension consciousness.  

As we transition into the multi-dimension reality, the common way of saying this is that we are taking our body with us.   Actually, it's the other way around.   We are bringing our Soul-Self into our here-and-now, physical reality.    











Release the Past,
the Future, and the Wanting


What you are releasing is:   
1)    negative emotions  -- fear, loathing, dread and the like
       from your imaginary future,   

2)   anger, hatred, guilt, regrets, and  the like
       from your past,  

3)   Energetic Implants from the non-human beings
       who control the Cabal criminal bankers.      

4)    wanting something physical and/or
       wanting something to be different than it is.   

According to Lester Levenson and
the Larry Crane Release Technique
wanting takes three forms, 
      ***   Wanting to be safe and  secure,   
      ***   Wanting to be in control,    
      ***   Wanting to please.

When you say that you want something, you are also saying that
.   Praying in the form of asking and wanting, brings more wanting and more NOT having.  

When one speaks from multi-dimension consciousness (as a "blended being," as a soul, mind, ego-self, & body integrated being, the language is in the form of a declaration about having.  

For more clarity on this, please see the TLC-Life-Center page titled:   Blessings Be . . . at:   






The Emotional Release Technique 


Notice a thought that triggers a negative emotion,
such as a fear of heights.  
The emotion is the problem, not the thought.  

Become aware of the connection between
the though and the emotion.  
What we are going to do is
breaking the connection between the thought and the emotion.  

Why?    So that, in the future, if and when the though or
a similar thought shows up,
you will no longer have an negative emotional response. 

When the negative though shows up,
become aware of it.  
Avoid denying it.   Avoid running away. 
Avoid burying it under denial or anything else.  

Simply allow the thought to be.   Feel the feelings.  
Our job is to face it, feel it, 
and then get beyond it.  
(It may bring up related thoughts that
also require being faced and released.)

Know that is NOT you.    It's merely a thought. 
It has no power in and of itself.  
Feel the feelings. 
Ask "Why am I feeling what I am feeling? 

         Some use a slightly different approach.  
         They say, "Eat it digest it.  Become it. 
         From my experience, this is not necessary.  
         Choose what works for you.   

Now, place the thought out in front of you. 
Become the observer of the thought.  

Ask your self, "Am I willing to let go of this feeling?"  
If your answer is yes, fill the thought with  Llove
and let it go. 
Feel the emotion fading into nothing.  

Fill the void with Creators Llove or
with some other thought
that generates feel good feelings.        

Take a moment to be grateful.  
Ask,  What did this feeling teach me?   

Notice that after the release process,
the thought will no longer trigger an emotional response.  
If it does, repeat the above process.

<> <> <> <> 

This is a list of emotions from
Dr. David R. Hawkins book, Power VS Force.  
In his book he also describes each one in detail.   

Shame .............. energy level 20

Guilt ….............. energy level 30

Apathy … level 50

Grief … level 75

Fear … level 100

Desire … level 125

Anger ................. energy level 150

Pride .................. energy level 175

Courage .............. energy level 200

Neutrality …........ energy level 250

Willingness ......… energy level 310

Acceptance .......... energy level 350

Reason ................ energy level 400

Love ..................... energy level 500

Joy ...................... energy level 540

Peace .................. energy level 600

Enlightenment ... energy level 700 – 1000  


Infinite Peace is beyond into pure joy into
the emotion of natural blissful ecstasy 








Cycle Breakers


Shift Thinking from Reptilian Brain to Human Brain:   

If you wear glasses, it's best, but not essential, that you take them off while doing this exercise.  

Place the palm of your left hand, on your forehead.   Place the palm of your right hand on the back of your head, where your head sticks out furthest to the back.     

Close your eyes and breathe deeply for about thirty seconds.  

After about fifteen seconds, you'll notice that your muscles are beginning to relax.   Become particularly aware of the shift in your abdominal muscles.   Take in another deep breath and just  relax.   Continue for about thirty seconds and then put your hands down and open your eyes.   

<><><>   <><><> 

Connecting Left Brain and Right Brain:       

This helps in releasing our mental conditioning that we are separate from Source/ Creator/ God, Separate from Nature, Separate from our fellow humans.     

<><><>   <><><> 

Rock the Baby:    

This technique recycles back into your body the energy that normally radiates our from your hands.  It's like holding hands with yourself, only instead of holding hands, each hand is holding the inside of the forearm on the opposite arm.   "Now, let your arms and hands rest gently against your abdomen, close your eyes, breath deeply and gently, and just be there with yourself."  

<><><>   <><><>     

Shake Your Hands:   

Shake your hands, as if you were shaking something off your hands.   Hold your elbows comfortably close to your sides, forearms straight out in front of you, and gently shake your hands.   Imagine  any remaining bits of the unwanted flying off and returning to source.  

Don't apply this technique as if it were exact instructions.   Adjust this shaking technique to what feels right for you.     

<><><>   <><><>     







Three Keys to Remember


1)  We live in a holographic universe

2)   In order to function effectively in a holographic universe,  our feelings,  our emotions,  our internal state of being  must harmonize with  our thoughts,  our beliefs,  our intentions,  our expectations,  and  our actions.    

3)  In a holographic universe, what you imagine today with feelings is what you will experience tomorrow.  

Imagine wanting and get more wanting.   
Imagine having and get more having.   

Bitch, moan, and complain and the Universe gives you  more to
       bitch, moan, and complain about.    

Be grateful for everything and the Universe
      brings you more to be grateful for.   






The Publication of

and the Use of This Technique


For Personal Use:   You are welcome to use this process at any time and place for your own personal transformation.  

Copying for Redistributing this Material:   The technique as described here-in-above is copyright material.   Permission is granted for re-publication providing:  
1)   The source is clearly acknowledged
      and a link is included to this website, and
2)   The technique is not altered.    

For Seminar and Group Use:   Permission is granted for seminar and group use providing:   The users are clearly informed of the source by
1) verbal acknowledgment and
2) by having easily available to the users a card/flier
      indicating the source of this technique and
       a link to this website.    






Why Use This Technique 

This is the Full Detailed Answer


Why use The Fahzoom Breath and Release Technique?       

Because it works.      

Because it's the master cycle breaker.   It not only breaks the cycle, it eliminates the cycle so you are no longer mind-control-programmed to do the same damned dumb thing over again  . . .    and again  . . .   and . . .  

Cycle breakers derail negative thought patterns, and as you now know, we live in a holographic universe, and in a holographic universe, what we think about today is what we will experience in our future.   Thoughts, beliefs, emotions, attitudes, et cetera, create our reality.  

This technique is a way to change your future experiences from negative to positive  --  from Kohld-Priki  to Fahzoom.     

How and Why It Works:   It works because thoughts and words are the FifthDimensin tools for creating.   Does this quote sound familiar?  

"In the beginning was the Word, and
The Word with God, and
The word was God."  

Did you ever stop and think about what that means?  

It means that when we think and speak (every time we think and speak) we are placing our creation energy into our personal version of reality.   We are creating our own future.   Remember, we live in a holographic universe.     Thoughts, beliefs, emotions, attitudes, et cetera, create our reality.  

Let me remind you again about who you are, what you are, and where you are.     

You  Are an:
***   Eternal   (timeless)  
***   Invisible  
(to the human eyes),
***   Non-physical,
***   Multi-dimensional,
***   Self-aware,
***   Divine being.  

We Are each a  
***   Sparks, aspects, pieces of
        Source/ Creator/ God.  

We are each having a
***   Human experience
  (in a)
***   Physical body,
***   Here on Earth.  

***   We share a Collective Reality  (in a)
***  holographic universe.  

We are energy beings with every one of the above listed attributes and abilities! 

We simple need to bring our Soul-Selves back into our physical form  and integrate, mix, blend together,
Physical Body   

My  Soul-Self  is re-directing my 
theatrical play 
I call

"My Life."
      My ego-self is not a bad guy.  
It's simply unaware of the joy-filled experiences
that await us.  

Here's a quote describing our awakening process:  
This process is called kundalini awakening.  Kundalini is our dormant creator energy that lies dormant at the base of every human being's spine, coiled up like a snake in the root chakra.   As the Earth’s vibration rises and we continue to receive heightened crystalline energies from the galactic center, the sun, the photon belt and the inner Earth; humanity’s kundalinis are being triggered to rise and purify each of our chakras so the kundalini can rise all the way up to the crown chakra where our higher spiritual chakras will activate signaling . . . our holy spirit/christ self to enter into our bodies."

<><><>   <><><>

The Khold-Priki World of Sheyit

Every time you have a kohld-priki (feel bad) thought, say a kohld-priki word, or engage in a kohld-priki activity, you are building your your own, future kohld-priki world.   

Aahh!   Uuooo! and   Mmmm!  are the antithesis /the opposite of / the replacement for everything that can fit into the category we call "Sheyit."   

How to you say the word Sheyit?   If you are wise, You Don't!   Sheyit thinking and sheyit words are the unspeakable ideas that create Kohld-Priki, the feel bad feelings.   

Here's the Real Deal, 

Every time you speak, think, see, hear, taste, touch, or smell any unspeakable Sheyit, you are creating your own future -- a future filled with Sheyit.   

Think about this for a moment:   You and I and everyone else are all  full of Sheyit" and that's the literal truth.

Sheyit includes (but is not limited to) what you take in while watching television, what you judge to be bad, what you tell Kohld-Priki stories about, what you hear Kohld-Priki stories about, what you fear, what you hate, what you are angry about and Every Other Negative Emotion, as well. 

When you take Sheyit in through any of your five senses, you are creating your own, sheyit-filled future.   

Here's an Alternate Deal:  

You can study, learn, understand, and use the Fahzoom Breath and Release Technique and create a Fahzoom-filled life.

<><><>   <><><>  

The Fahzoom Breath and Release Technique is particularly effective when used in conjunction with the physical cycle breakers such as the one that shifts mental focus from reptilian brain to human brain.          












The Four, Primary Sounds of Delight are:  
Aahh!  Oohh!    Uuuuh! and   Mmmm!  
When you make these sounds you are creating future    
Aahh!   Oohh!     Uuuuh  and   Mmmm!     experiences    

FahZoom is a combination of  
*   Oohhh!   Yes, that's it!    The elixir of anticipation,
*   Aahhh!   The in-breath,    The moment of arrival
*   Uuhhh!   The peak experience, itself, and  
*   Mmmm!   The moments of contentment,
     satisfaction, the fulfillment,
     the peace of mind that follows a peak, fahzoom experience.
The phrase  FahZoom Home
     has all four feel-good feeling sounds.  

Aahh!     Oohh!     Uuooo!    and     Mmmm! 
are the sounds of:  


Safety & Security,
Mental clarity,   
I'm Free at Last!  
I'm Home at Last!  
The Power of Creation,  
The ability:
       To flow with the cosmic rhythms,  
       To rise above low vibrations,  
       To turn knowledge into wisdom,    
       To be flexible & flow with changes,   
       To be in The Here & Now Moment , 

Aahh!    Oohhh!     Uuuuh!  and   Mmmm! 
Are the FahZoom (feel good) Powers of Creation   

Your Power of Creation:  
*   Is the ability to repeatedly re-birth yourself
     into grander and grander experiences
      of who and what you are  what we all  really are,  
*   Is the ability to change things,
     situations, and circumstances. 

<><><>   <><><>

Aahhh!   Oohhh!   Uuhhh!  and   Mmmm! 
are the Primary Sounds of FahZoom
(the feel-good feelings).  
They reduce/ shut down/ turn off Duality. 
They are your connection to Oneness, Wholeness,
Unity, to The All That Is.  

It's your pathway to living
every moment of your physical life
in a human physical body
at the orgasmic level  --

***   The in-breath.  The excitement of anticipation.

***   The bliss of delight is arriving.   

***   The experience, itself.   
        The joy of the in-this-now experience.   

***   The moments of contentment where everything stops.    
        The Afterglow  (that freshly fucked feeling).

Every time you have a Fahzuumm thought,
say a Fahzuumm word, or
engage in a Fahzuumm activity,
you are building
your own, future fahzuumm world.

<><><>   <><><>   <><><>  
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*   Aahh!---Oohh!---Uuooo!---Mmmm!







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Footnotes and References


Non-Human, Energetic Implants:   As you must know by now, human life on Earth has been dominated and controlled for centuries by a sophisticated network of genitally altered human beings known as the Cabal criminal bankers.  

The Cabal criminals are controlled by a species of non humans who live in the invisible portion of the universe known as Dark Matter & Dark Energy.   As part of their system of control over humans these non-human beings have implanted energetic (non-physical) devices into our human bodies.  

These implants are designed to control human behavior.   For example, one of these devices causes us to constantly repeat negative thought processes and negative behavior patterns.    

To get rid of these energetic implants,  1)  Remove the self-replication aspect of the implant,  2)  Break all connections to and from the implant,  3)  Direct Creator to flood the implant with Creator's Llove and wash away everything that is not the  truth,   and 4) In your mind, create their exact opposite of the unwanted or direct Source/ Creator to fill the void with Creators Light and Llove.  

How to apply/use the four steps is described on the page titled:   From Reptilian to Human.    









